
Flip/rotate board: Tapping this icon will rotate the chess board around 180 degrees.

Hint move: Tapping this icon asks HIARCS to give you a hint move to help you decide on the best next move. The hint move is demonstrated on the board by making the recommended move and taking it back.

Navigation: Tapping this icon makes HIARCS display the game navigation move slider and VCR buttons if not currently on screen. If already displayed the navigation controls are removed from the screen.

Start of game: Tapping this icon makes HIARCS go to the beginning of the game. It has no action at the beginning of a game.

Takeback: Tapping this icon makes HIARCS takeback one single move. It has no action at the beginning of a game.

Stop: Tapping this icon makes HIARCS stop thinking or stop replaying.

Forward: Tapping this icon makes HIARCS step forward one single move in the game. It has no action at the end of a game.

End of game: Tapping this icon make HIARCS go to the end of the game. It has no action at the end of a game.

Microchip: tapping the microchip has multiple functions depending on the play mode and who is to play.